The University is not the only organisation in York facing a £24 million shortfall this year, as the City of York Council has launched a consultation to find ways to plug its approximate £30 million budget gap while continuing to deliver essential services for York’s residents.
The Council has announced the launch of its “Big Budget Conservation”, intending to gather thoughts on how the next budget should be shaped, saying it receives £700 less per person than the England average.
At a cross-party meeting of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee this month, the Council looked at income and cost-saving measures, such as efficient working methods and staff reductions.
Proposals have included streamlining parking charges and reducing highway investment.
The Council’s Chief Operating Officer Ian Floyd encouraged residents to contribute, saying: “the financial challenges facing local authorities are very significant, on the back of many years of reductions in local government funding.
“There will need to be significant decisions made to ensure the council can continue to deliver critical services.”
The Council’s Director of Finance Debbie Mitchell said: “This is a conversation we cannot afford to ignore. The financial decisions we make now will make sure we provide a balanced budget which is critical for the council to operate, and it is vital that all voices are heard.
“Now more than ever, we need residents, businesses, and partners to help us prioritise the services that matter most.”
The consultation remains open until the 1st January 2025, and the Council’s Executive leadership hopes to recommend the budget to councillors the following month.
The survey can be completed on the City of York Council website, or via printed versions available from the Xplore library.