The University of York is to make steps towards an Exeter-style “no detriment” policy, and open up discussion over fees with YUSU, according to YUSU’s Academic Officer.
In a post from her Facebook Account, YUSU’s Academic Officer Giang Nguyen released the following: “The Vice-Chancellor and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Learning have indicated that a York ‘safety-net’ will be developed and ‘heavily informed by the Exeter model, which has many strong features, but it will be adapted to York.’ They also assure that this safety-net ‘will help not hinder students through this difficult time.’”
Patrick O’Donnell, YUSU President-Elect, began a petition roughly a week ago that has received over 2,500 signatures from university students. This appears to be a success on his part, in his aim of appropriately putting pressure on the University staff.
The Exeter “no detriment” policy uses: “the concept of the safety net to do what we can to ensure that you receive an award or year average that accurately reflects your academic attainment during your time on the course unimpaired by the current Covid-19 crisis.”
The University have reached out to YUSU, opening a discussion over demands for a refund of the year and students being able to retake the year free of charge.
However, they also highlight the difficulties that these measures would entail, including the differing means of payment between those with student loans, international students, and people who have paid upfront.
Nevertheless, Giang Nguyen’s response to this new development is emphatic: “WE DID IT!”