Meet Your *Maybe* Mayor: Felicity Cunliffe-Lister (Liberal Democrats)

Kaitlyn speaks to business owner, Felicity

  1. How does your experience in business and motherhood uniquely prepare you for this role? 

So having been at the coalface for 24 years running a business, bringing up a family of three, I have the lived experience that you need in order to be able to relate to what the difficulties really are. In addition to having built up a business to the point where I’m employing 150 people, I have also had some points in my career where I have experienced difficulty, and I understand the need for proper strategy and vision. It’s about the benefits of those years of experience I suppose. How do you say it? I suppose I’ve been around the block a few times, I know how to get things done.

I also want to mention that as a commercial property lawyer, I think I have a very strong analytical mind as well. I have the benefits of that background and expertise, this gives me confidence in my ability to understand our legal positions and how to negotiate the best deal for us. I think I would enjoy the element of the challenge, but I also think that York and North Yorkshire have been left behind and it really needs someone to drive it forward and be properly represented.

  1. How do you think having an elected mayor would benefit York and North Yorkshire?

Okay, so having an elected mayor brings investments into the region that we would never be able to get otherwise. It also gives the region a champion. It gives us a specific role to represent the region. Someone who can focus on being able to be the best representation for York and North Yorkshire. Also a person who will work with others to lobby for the region’s interests. The role would also help with the development of larger scale projects.

It will also provide us with opportunities to use the funding, helping to deliver positive change in terms of delivering: driving up prosperity, economic growth, ensuring that we meet our environmental targets and creating stronger communities. The role will take responsibility for the police and fire departments. As mayor, I would like to be a critical friend of these departments, challenging them to ensure they do what they should and make our lives safer.

  1. One of your key pledges is to help the region get its fair share – for the central government to level up its funding and invest in our potential. How do you intend to work with the central government in order to achieve this?

The Mayor does gain some access to Westminster in terms of being able to work with Ministers, Senior Ministers and other staff. It just gives me the ability to lobby much more effectively on behalf of the two councils than you can at the moment. In addition, the Mayor has a massive ability to raise the profile of whatever issues matter to the region, the needs and culture of the residents here are represented and understood. And then finally, there’s a very powerful case for the North to unite on common issues. A really united front across several regions could lobby even more effectively at the National level than they could separately.

Please, try and vote. Even if you don’t have ID because the moment you get turned away at the door there won’t be any record of their inability to vote. So those who are feeling frustrated with voter ID still need to try.

2 thoughts on “Meet Your *Maybe* Mayor: Felicity Cunliffe-Lister (Liberal Democrats)

  1. Doesn’t her husband Illegaly Foxhunt &, Kill Endangered birds of pray?

  2. That’s a little bit of a low blow Harold Wilson… especially as you have been seen hanging around places that you shouldn’t !!!
    She is a hard working Woman who wants to help the community, and better the area so saying hearsay comments about other parties to detract from her potential is wrong on so many counts! I know her well and she is a diamond and will be a great asset to this country…

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