It’s March: seven months of studying, socialising, partying and cramming. This is a time of exhaustion for many students and staff at the University, with every lecture feeling more difficult than the previous one. Here are a few of Vision’s tips to get through the final push towards summer.
Prep some quick, tasty meals
After a day of learning, the last thing you may want to do is chef up a gourmet meal. However, keeping yourself well-fed and healthy is crucial to getting through these difficult weeks. Make this easier for yourself by taking to social media (or Scene’s Food section!) and find some simple meals that can be made in bulk and will satisfy your cravings over the week. This is a lifesaver for getting some energy back in your system!
Enjoy the (somewhat-rare) sunshine
March has seen some warm and sunny days in York, and is a refreshing reminder that the long, cold nights are soon behind us. Take advantage of this weather, even with the mountains of studying you may have to do – work outside, take a walk to clear your head, or just simply enjoy some sun through your bedroom window. Try not to coop yourself up in the library for too long and enjoy the beautiful nature campus (and York) has to offer.

Have fun!
Yes, exam talk has begun. Yes, the workload is increasing. But, you can still have fun! Go out, do the things you enjoy, spend time with yourself or with your friends – balance is key. Work-life balance is especially important at this time of year to prevent the mid-semester burnout, so try not to feel guilty for taking time for the things that make you happy.
Attend your lectures as best you can, but be kind to yourself
As many may have noticed, the attendance in lectures has been dwindling – as it always does at this time of year. It feels like a big struggle to find some motivation when exams are around the corner, but not too close for mandatory productivity. However, keeping to a routine can help fill your days and prevent piles of catch-up work. It may feel difficult, but it will help you in the future!
All this to say, if you find yourself struggling with motivation, exhaustion or mood, please do make use of the University services (see below). Talk to someone. It is a challenging time of year for students so please look after yourselves.
Access support at the University:
Open Door: complete an online self-referral form, or email
TalkCampus: download the TalkCampus app to anonymously chat with other students about mental health.
For more information about support available at the University, contact your College Managers or visit the ‘Help and support’ tab on the website.