York SU Elections 2025

York Vision brings you the latest news.

Jacob Boneham

photo of candidate
(Image: Jacob Boneham)

Manifesto Points:

  1. Student Safety: Renegotiate the York Parties contract.
  2. Reinvigorate campus culture: Giving student bars a defined identity.
  3. Better integrate our Campus: Bus routes that work for Students.

Hi, I’m Jacob. A proud Geordie and third year Politics and IR student, and I am running to represent you as Union Affairs Officer. My goal is simple: to create a safer university for all students. I will renegotiate the York Parties contract, give student bars a defined identity, and create bus routes that work for students. I am committed to change and will fight wholeheartedly to make your time at university better.

  1. Student Safety: Renegotiate the York Parties contract.
  • YorkSU’s approach to student safety has been inadequate in response to systemic failures in partnered nightclubs.
  • A fresh approach to student nightlife is critical. This new contract will put student safety front and center. 
  • I will refuse to work with nightclubs unless drastic, substantial, and noticeable changes are made.
  • I will ensure that the Students’ Union immediately renegotiates the York Parties contract, or seek viable alternatives, to guarantee the safety of students. 
  1. Reinvigorate campus culture: Giving student bars a defined identity.
  • Undoubtedly, the safest place for students is on campus. However, with the underutilised identity that bars on campus have, students are opting to leave the safety of the university to socialise.
  • I will build upon the existing identities of student bars and aim to create a unique culture in every bar on campus.
  • I will better utilise existing facilities such as Glasshouse. The university has many great spaces that sit empty due to lack of apparent interest. This needs to be changed and I will make sure that it is.
  1. Better integrate our Campus: Bus routes that work for Students.
  • Existing bus routes neglect Campus West students, especially during the evening. This often results in many buses to town being at full capacity before even arriving on Campus West.
  • I will negotiate with First Bus to establish a new bus route, originating in Campus West. This will allow for a more equitable situation for all students. 
  • I will meet with First Bus to better integrate Halifax college into the existing bus route network.

The manifestos appear here exactly as they were submitted to us. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of York Vision.

Don’t get us wrong, the York SU elections are very important. But so much of the election process is formal and serious…which means it can also (at times) be a little bit dull. 

But we don’t think it has to be like this. So alongside their manifesto, Vision asked each candidate a series of light-hearted, get-to-know-you type questions. This should give you a little dive into the individual personalities of the candidates:

What would be the theme song for your campaign?

I Want to Break Free

If your campaign had a mascot, what would it be? 

Gary Neville

Do you fit your college stereotype? (please provide your college)*

Yes – Anne Lister College

We gave the candidate a word, and asked them to think of what the question would be:

Answer: Charlie Jeffery 

Candidate Question: Who has the best head of hair on Campus?

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