Review: The Importance of Being Earnest Emily Mangles finds The Importance of Being Earnest to be a funny and worthwhile production, despite some minor first night slip ups. Archive 10 years ago
Review: The Madness of George III Emily reviews Dramasoc’s final weekend offering of the term and concludes that you’d be mad to miss it. Archive 11 years ago
A He Said, She Said Review: Romeo and Juliet George Norman and Emily Mangles share their individual perspectives on Dramasoc’s Romeo and Juliet. Archive 11 years ago
Review: Hedda Gabler Emily Mangles reviews this weeks drama barn production, Hedda Gabler Archive 11 years ago
The Pantomime Redemption- Review Emily Mangles reviews this term’s Summer pantomime, The Pantomime Redemption Archive 11 years ago
Review: The Knight Of The Burning Pestle Emily Mangles reviews The Knight Of The Burning Pestle Archive 11 years ago
The Knight of the Burning Pestle- Review As I sat in the Barn waiting for the play to start, it was clear audience participation would be involved. Indeed, the whole play was directed and written by a member of […] Archive 11 years ago
Review: Winter of Our Discotheque. Emily Mangles reviews Winter of Our Discotheque at the Friargate Theatre Archive 11 years ago
“Brechtacular! Brechtacular!” The Threepenny Opera Review Emily Mangles thoroughly recommends you see Threepenny Opera at the Drama Barn Archive 12 years ago