UPDATE: Tommy Fong's farewell Willow speech.
Low expectations. Cheap booze. Cheesy music. Sticky dance floor. STICKY EVERYTHING. These are all things we associate with the Willow we have come to know and love. In the club where even the walls sweat, for years York students have found solace in the comforting arms of familiar pop songs by the likes of Steps and S Club 7.
However, as we all now very well know, in the early hours of Monday July 27, Willow shut its doors for the very last time ever. The following tweets are a snapshot in history and will stand testament to the legend that is Willow. At one point the queue seems so dire that we flirt with the idea of going home. Did we ever make it in?* Read on to find out…
*Of course we did.
Tonight we will be liveblogging Willow's last night as it happens from this Twitter handle. What can go wrong?
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
Apparently I'm liveblogging Willow's closing night for @YorkVision … In other news I succumb too easily to peer pressure and crap ideas.
— Tom (@TButlerRoberts) July 26, 2015
If you're curious as to the fate of Willow, @YorkVision will be live tweeting its final night – who knows what will happen
— UoY Alumni (@UoYAlumni) July 26, 2015
If you still need somewhere to predrink tonight, @Duskyork are doing 2-4-1s on a very special cocktail! pic.twitter.com/ASSF8A3Ayr
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
Someone wrote a song to commemorate Willow. You can listen to it here while you read softly weep.
Of course @YorkVision are liveblogging the final night at Willow. Student media at its finest. #RIPWillow
— Ben Bason (@benjamesbason) July 26, 2015
I don't know why they're making me do it – I'm the least witty person in Vision. And probably the most socially inept.
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
Tonight we're heading straight to Willow. Forget the other places, in the end, they're all the same. Tonight is only Willow.
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
Vision Editor @BdeLotbiniere is hoping "Tommy Fong might do something legendary for his last night like start breakdancing"
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
We hereby challenge @yorknouse to a dance off to Toto – Africa tonight #VisionGotRhythm
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
[Nouse cowardly deleted a Tweet reply bizarrely saying “@YorkVision Is this tonight?”]
@yorknouse Well it's not tomorrow night is it you spanner
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
Willow closing tonight. Impromptu dance off with @YorkVision
— Nouse (@yorknouse) July 26, 2015
Forming part of the Vision posse tonight is one-hit-wonder film editor @EdHunterAFC. He's currently weeping for Willow.
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
On me liveblogging tonight: "if you socialise, wel thats a bonus" – @imjackyeah
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
I am very sad that Willow is closing @YorkVision. I once cried in there drunk and once asked, told my mate "I'm just so happy, that's why."
— Scott Bryan (@scottygb) July 26, 2015
York Vision is not responsible for the reliability of external tweets. https://t.co/zSho6FGPfp
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
@YorkVision is live tweeting #LastWillow -so much more love for York student media! *raises sambuca shot in tribute* https://t.co/PeuKyGq9rh
— Rachael Venables (@rachaelvenables) July 26, 2015
If someone tells you they're from Vision, don't trust then unless they're wearing official #SHOES pic.twitter.com/bnd3emFu30
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
I LITERALLY have shoes that say Vision on them. #CommittedToTheCause
Trying to eat prawn crackers but all I can taste are my tears
— Ali Woods (@AliWoodsGigs) July 26, 2015
@YorkVision I can't believe Willow is closing. I still have my Willow tshirt (it must be 5yo now), and it often starts convos with exYorkers
— Ian (@ianbeany1989) July 26, 2015
Also my attention has been drawn by Willow's closure to how many ACE journos have their origins in York. SHOUT OUT TO YORK JOURNALISTS <3
— Victoria Finan (@victoriafinan) July 26, 2015
(She's on about me btw, not you)
We're here now. The amount of people queueing is immense. pic.twitter.com/AerNMpdz9i
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
It smells very Willow out here
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
Missiles are being thrown in the queue. I need a Kevlar vest with "PRESS" on it
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
The #LastWillow hashtag is so upsetting, I spent more time at Willow than in class when I was Uni! thanks for live tweeting @YorkVision
— Megan (@MsMegan91) July 26, 2015
There are a lot of unfamiliar faces in the queue. One suspects clubbers have been shipped in.
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
York resident and notorious York reveller Joe says he "has mixed emotions because [he] only comes when he has a skinful too many"
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
Willower @FiskTweets says "it's like a funeral but worse" pic.twitter.com/L09f5vY0UU
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
Pikachu Galvyn has even made it out tonight! pic.twitter.com/OuLQc12V2j
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
Apparently Galvyn wants to write for us? Contact us at vision@yusu.org, we'll sort you out Galvyn.
Has the danceoff gotten out of hand? pic.twitter.com/Rr346cE1w9
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
Chris Wall and Tron: "just say I said whatever". YUSU Sabbs are hyped then pic.twitter.com/2fczgnFJLh
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
[From this point onwards, Chris Wall and Tron become a recurring theme.]
Tommy Fong has just confirmed to me tonight is the final night. pic.twitter.com/Esw5RH1fLO
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
Tab Journalist Jack Elliot said he's "very emotional" about tonight's night
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
@yorkvision are you taking bets on what the last ever song will be? imo it'll be i've had the time of my life from dirty dancing
— jo barrow (@JoBarrow) July 26, 2015
Lee says it's been a "complete farce". Queueing since half 10, he might go home now.
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
The situation's looking dire here outside Willow, with those at the back of the queue facing little chance of getting in
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
@NicholasHDM @yusuactivities he says it's not for sale and it wouldn't be the same without Tommy "WE'VE TRIED"
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
Student paper @YorkVision is live tweeting the #LastWillow club night before it shuts down. Some classic student journalism
— Amy Ashenden (@AmyAshenden) July 26, 2015
At the back of the queue. Atmosphere is 'randomly-smash-bottley' pic.twitter.com/Zqa0ZjjfLk
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
#NoToClintons What was wrong with the original shop two doors down?? pic.twitter.com/0SxI8adQ6Y
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
@YorkVision a high point of my time at york #RIPWillow pic.twitter.com/5lrxdXtVdP
— jo barrow (@JoBarrow) July 26, 2015
Some crackpots were convinced the whole night that the closure was just a ruse to gain Mr Fong extra publicity.
The only thing keeping us going. pic.twitter.com/JD0nrXz7vD
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
Local man, Matty, has been in and says "it's packed and you can't get to the bar… There's BARE people inside" pic.twitter.com/JbQc7wTyPS
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
Fuck's sake. Should definitely have gone up to Willow tonight. I am genuinely really sad.
— Alex Finnis (@AlexFinnis) July 26, 2015
Revellers are literally "in mourning" pic.twitter.com/bmvWmhhefN
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
This will be an absolutely terrible liveblog if I don't even make it inside
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
Why couldn't they have closed down one of the less important York landmarks, like the university, or the minster? #LastWillow
— Alex Finnis (@AlexFinnis) July 26, 2015
At least York's league table standing will go up now if students are going to bed earlier
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
Tron says we have now been queueing for over an hour. IT'S GETTING LIGHTER OUT pic.twitter.com/x62yqsZl9c
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 26, 2015
Pretty sure all the prawn crackers have gone. Well that's something we'll never be enjoying again…
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
The people in front of us in the queue have given up and left. They were WEAK. And YSJ too what do you expect
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Willow closing feels more like an end to my studenthood than graduation.
— Michael Brennan (@M1CHAELBRENNAN) July 26, 2015
Chris Wall ran around once shirtless getting Tommy Fong to chase him and was banned for two weeks #WillowMemories
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Heard that as well as free prawn crackers, Willow will be returning a few select people's dignity. #RIPWillow
— Brian Terry SU (@yusuactivities) July 27, 2015
Not yours Chris.
Vanbrugh student Jaz says her best memory is someone being proposed to on the dancefloor and freaking over the diamond ring #WillowMemories
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Sat in Norway, reading @YorkVision's tweets, as they livetweet the last night at Willow. So sad. #RIPwillow
— Helle (@Helee) July 27, 2015
Mr Fakes says his mates brother once had it away with a girl in the girls toilets in Willow. Haven't we all. #WillowMemories
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
I feel sorry for next year's freshers who'll just endlessly hear the legends of willow.
— Michael Brennan (@M1CHAELBRENNAN) July 26, 2015
People are saying they don't care if they get in or not anymore – they just want the final stamp
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Even @yorkpress are here pic.twitter.com/1ojTGeaOcn
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Plymouth Uni student Stefano says "I'd rather get fisted than go to Willow, but I'm still here anni?"
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
That's the true Willow spirit Stefano.
Amateur drunken stamp making going on here. People are dying to get in pic.twitter.com/kucAVwLpEg
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Phats owner Oliver (white shirt) says he's looking forward to finally getting in, for "nostalgic reasons alone". pic.twitter.com/WHzNrsgYLp
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Oliver says he's worried about the girth of the queue: "it's looking a little chodey today" pic.twitter.com/X98fhpO3ob
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
This is definitely a queue to rival a Phat Friday queue
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Tron says the entry to Willow is the gateway to the Promised Land
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
In final honour of #willow I am posting the most stereotypically trashy thing I ever saw there. Classic. #RIPWillow pic.twitter.com/5q0wMJQKjO
— beth. (@beth_hampton) July 27, 2015
"The Promised Land"
People are raring to get in pic.twitter.com/3MAJARbD8M
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
James from Lancaster Uni has made it all the way out to Willow tonight. He figures he may as well wait another hour if he's waited two
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Sorry followers, I had hoped this liveblog would be a tad better than just a dialogue of the queue. Still, it's the good old Willow queue
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
THEY'RE TAUNTING US pic.twitter.com/F7sOqrlQ8F
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
"Our parents went here, our parents parents went here, I think I was conceived here" #OverheardInTheWillowQueue
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Where else in the country would you find a queue at 2am for a dingy school disco in a grimy Chinese restaurant. Still love it though.
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
My friends from back home are wishing they were stood here in this queue with me. pic.twitter.com/7Zfc6OiCbX
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Its #MondayMorning in #Delhi & @YorkVision's Live tweets on Willow are making me cry! Bye Bye Willow! You made my degree memorable.
— Kush Sethi (@harameco) July 27, 2015
Sweaty salvo could learn a thing or two from this queue
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Title: My final night in the Willow, oh, er, Queue
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Tom who's been coming since he was 17, now 24, says he's seen the queue worse than it is now, to the disbelief of one Vision reporter (me)
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
"I was drunk when I got here" – random stone cold sober queue person
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
@hicharliebenson been this close for about an hour pic.twitter.com/27VdCQWTZn
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
@hicharliebenson are you though mood: pic.twitter.com/AlAPS152Yl
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
By this point we had been queueing for over 3 hours according to Tron's stopwatch. External moaning, internal optimism dynamic was strong.
I'm pretty sure the fall of the Berlin Wall had less of an air of pomposity about the historical importance of the event
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
@URY1350's Jack says "I'm just here out of morbid curiosity"
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
This is the last time I'll be passing under this great threshold #SOCLOSE pic.twitter.com/2m3pSC3Sx8
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015

I've got three shots down me, a vodka vimto in hand and I'm about to stroll onto the dancefloor. Life's good
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
In other news, my battery is on 8% so it'll probably die before I do tonight
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015

Typical willow night really pic.twitter.com/rhrDV3u0ab
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
My phone's just come on: it's a still a sweaty sweat box of sweat in here
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Tommy Fong's just done the most ridiculous but amazing speech on how Willow survived the Nazis and "Fuck Clinton's!"
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Electric. DJ is about to crowdsurf in background there pic.twitter.com/TCfoY7K7Sj
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
HE ACTUALLY SAID "the night is now over." :(:(:(
Last time I'll see the bottom of THAT bucket :( pic.twitter.com/unDTtXOaGI
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Been handed free glass of cranberry juice. I think the willow staff pitied me for photographing the empty bucket pic.twitter.com/lPUTre4Qvd
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Last song is In The Summertime, (think it's called that). Apparently this was the first ever song played in Willow pic.twitter.com/9cb7hUbUBG
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
One of the bar staff keeps trying to take a photo of me #worried
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Willow bar staff member Lynn of half a year says she is very sad to be leaving her part time job here and return to UoY study
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
The spirits have all gone :( pic.twitter.com/B3tTzSKamj
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
I think THIS is the #lastsong pic.twitter.com/ZoLKdzXsaP
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Goodbye Willow (Sorry I don't know the name of this song) pic.twitter.com/VR7z17hEQv
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Everyone was doing a W with their fingers at one point pic.twitter.com/oNaNT19qAN
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Very sad day pic.twitter.com/1o9nXLXLQi
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
This last Willow was truly a spiritual experience.
Never has Willow felt more like home pic.twitter.com/owuLUtTzrT
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Na na na na na na hey Jude everyone's stood up now pic.twitter.com/rz8xLGWfm5
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Why does Willow have to go? I JUST started to like it. #BoycottClintons
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
WE'RE DOING IT AGAIN pic.twitter.com/Di45MEsTBr
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Last song was a Grease Medley with Summer Loving at the end
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
The carefree, feel-good vibe was so strong by this point that people literally started smoking on the dance floor. At least it's good to know the fire alarms always worked.
People are now refusing to leave. And the DJ is refusing to stop playing pic.twitter.com/87PqqYjGKC
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
DJ: "Bring it in York Council, bring it on"
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
That's Reach For The Stars by the way (obviously).
Someone's pubic hair wig is on the dancefloor pic.twitter.com/Ce4OKYTifH
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
They're playing Uptown Girl now I don't think Willow will ever end
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
IT'S SO HAPPY DON'T EVER LET IT END pic.twitter.com/yYzry4IbOz
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
There's a topless kid clearly on drugs wearing a pink wig loving it up in the DJ booth
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Everyone's filing out for the LAST TIME EVER now pic.twitter.com/eYIiKxcljp
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
LOOK at the timestamp.
Well I've bagged a chair pic.twitter.com/86Lqg6tnNw
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
Been great following #LastWillow from San Francisco, thanks @YorkVision. Truly the end of an era. York nightlife will never be the same…
— Ben Bason (@benjamesbason) July 27, 2015
And that's a wrap. It was nice knowing you Willow. pic.twitter.com/2n0bDj6FlT
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
If this is you, please reach out to us, we want to give you a medal for ending Willow in true tradition.
Two chairs keep the Willow flame alight after being carried back to a student house somewhere. Goodnight pic.twitter.com/8jODHMkJEb
— York Vision (@YorkVision) July 27, 2015
@YorkVision tweets about the #Willow made me smile. So many memories of mad nights there. So many leaving dos+rugby nights. End of an era
— Elly Fiorentini (@ellyfyork) July 27, 2015
The bloody wonderful @YorkVision gave a masterclass last night in how relevant student journalism should be done.
— Victoria Finan (@victoriafinan) July 27, 2015
Liveblogging the closure of a beloved nightclub in classic irreverent style. Excellent. This is why they win awards. @YorkVision
— Victoria Finan (@victoriafinan) July 27, 2015
After 43 years my parents are finally retiring, so proud of them http://t.co/VIxocmDlpf#WillowYork #WillowDisco
— Vicki Fong (@LittleFong) July 27, 2015
@YorkVision Amazing live feed. Tommy & Sue want to give the individual reporter a special Willow memento for this if interested? Who is it?
— Becki Fong (@fonglet) July 27, 2015
Woo, go me
We still can't believe that it's actually over. Willow, we will miss you.
Because people asked:
Wow. Just been to pick this up from @fonglet as thanks for my liveblog. Solid silver. Thank you Sue and Tommy Fong pic.twitter.com/VxHTpsWdJ9
— Tom (@TButlerRoberts) July 29, 2015
The folks over at Minster FM made this video of the final night.
Someone documented a night at Willow in photos and it just makes us feel incredibly SAD now that it's gone forever. See Ceri Oakes's photos here.
@YorkVision ur livetweeting last night was the best goddamn thing I've ever seen vision do. pls make jack embed all the tweets for posterity
— jo barrow (@JoBarrow) July 27, 2015
We did.
This is art. What did you get from Tommy?
@Jo @luxurycombustibles Apparently the gift “needs to be prepared”! Keep an eye on York Vision social media channels for updates…