The York Vision Playlist 5/12/11

Hot Chip- I Feel Better (Ill Blu Dub)

This re-dub of strained heart strings (can’t you tell by my painfully high voice?), typical album fodder by Hot Chip, has been stripped down, castigated and sexily re-dressed by the genius of Ill Blu. An otherwise flat song has been given a deep and glitter edged, figure hugging dress; showing flashes of its fleshy under funk and a naughty glimpse of clever vocal reworking. If you need a point of comparison, try that Marilyn Monroe picture. The one where she is forever captured in time, holding down her dress as the wind, teasingly blows it upwards. Smiling at you. Knowing that all of what you want to see, and what she is more than willing to do show is hidden by the camera angle. Yeah, it’s one of those kind of tunes. Music so painfully sexy and so subtly funky you’ll feel a sense of sickening loss and carnal desire when it finishes.


Lucy Rose- Middle Of The Bed

Oh great, another wispy female singer songwriter with fringe, frown and hipster slouch, how positively 2011… OK so Lucy Rose isn’t doing anything new, what with her pretty acoustic pop and uncanny resemblance to Laura Marling (if you squint). It seems unlikely that she’ll record an album of Icelandic folk songs set to throat singing or change her name to an unpronounceable symbol anytime soon. But nonetheless, “Middle Of The Bed” is a pretty, well crafted listen, with the sort of ridiculously catchy chorus that Benjamin Francis Leftwich would sell his grandmother for. Not to be sniffed at.


Kings of Convenience- Homesick

With a distinctly Simon and Garfunkel vibe this Norwegian indie-folk band blend gentle harmonization, subtle guitar backing and delicate melodies to create soothing but evocative tracks to be played on repeat and soothe those end- of- term deadline nerves. With beautiful voices and awesome names, Øye and Bøe can do no wrong as they keep effortlessly produce indie classics.


Ludovico Einaudi- Questa Notte 

As the first note is carelessly dropped into a silent sea of ivory and mahogany, we are transported on the subsequent tide and ripples of sound into a room with a sea view and open balcony, somewhere in Southern Italy. As the evening leaves us, and night draws, Ludovico sits at the piano letting his fingers turn past and present into one conflated ephemeral ideal. We drink the wind and breathe in the salty splash of flickering stars. A rowing boat bobs happily on the shoreline. A fox darts across the beach, between rushes and the calls of an owl from above the house.
I’ve never been to Southern Italy but it sounds bloody lovely don’t it. This song’s well nice too.

Friends- I’m His Girl 

Brooklyn five piece Friends couldn’t be more hotly tipped if they tried, what with highly influential support from both 6 Music and the BBC Sound of 2012 List. It’s hardly a shocker, this kind of shuffling, handclap strewn 80s girl pop makes for pleasingly sassy listening. Like Lykke Li if she ditched the angst, necked a few Smirnoff Ices and let loose on the dance floor. Nice.


Nujabes feat Uyama Hiroto- Spiritual State

Nujabes was taken from us too early. Releases of his post-humus work are gratefully received. Thanks Nujabes, you’re a real friend.


Rusted Root- Send Me On My Way

For those who loved Matilda this song will bring out the inner child in all of you, and for those who have missed out on a classic film this song will simply make you happy and force you to have to restrain yourself from dancing. Very tricky to sing along to but so infectious you might as well give it a try- guaranteed to make you smile.


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