Starting at University may seem a daunting prospect since it’s completely different from any prior experiences. Yet in fact it offers you so many superb opportunities, many of which are in the sporting facet of University life. One individual who has made the most of these opportunities is our new York Sport President Charlotte Winter. Throughout her time at York, she has been heavily involved with a range of sports societies including netball and lacrosse, as well as supporting and benefitting the college system.
Asked what her advice to freshers would be regarding sport at York, Winter responded; “Try something new! We have so many different sports clubs at York, some of which are really unique so you should try and sign up to as many things as you can, and head down to the clubs tasters sessions to see if you like it. All of our clubs are very welcoming and are always on the lookout for a new member, so if you do have any questions then ask them directly, they’ll be happy to help.”
Winter’s message is true, all of the clubs are welcoming, and in the end of the day if you don’t like it, then simply don’t go again. By having a go and giving it a try, you have nothing to lose and potentially a lot to gain. Many of these sports you will never have the opportunity to play again. She continued by adding; “I’ve really enjoyed taking part in both college and university sport as it has meant that I have been able to a play a variety of sports with a whole range of different people.” Indeed sports societies are a fantastic way to make new friends, and enhance the social side of University life, yet another reason to get involved.
It doesn’t all have to be about University sport though. Winter herself largely played only college sport for her first year, before progressing to joining university societies as well during her second year. She commented about College sport; “This is one of the most sociable and fun ways to get involved in campus life. 13 different sports are played weekly, and there are also some one day tournaments meaning that there is a sport for everyone. It’s all about participation so if there’s a sport you haven’t played in a few years, or haven’t tried it before, then college sport is the perfect place to start.”
So Freshers week looms less than two months away, heralding the start of a new chapter of your life. Make the most of it; in all likelihood you will never get such great opportunities, as at university, again in your life. My main advice is to make sure you get involved with different societies, a notion reiterated by Charlotte Winter. The York Sport President advised regarding freshers week; “Make sure you head down to the sports tent during the fresher’s fair, as that is where all of our sports clubs will be based. Once there you will be able to sign up to our different clubs mailing lists and talk to current members about the club. I would also advise all freshers to hop on the free shuttle bus over to the new Sports Village over on Heslington East.”
Indeed the new facilities usher in an exciting time for sport at the University, and present an even more appealing case for you to get involved. The next three or four years will leave you with many fond memories, some of which may involve your time on a sports pitch. The key to allowing that to happen is getting involved, a message which I can’t reiterate enough. Make the most of this chance, and don’t leave yourself regretting any missed opportunities in years to come.