Tankus the Henge Fibbers Preview



Sporting a top hat at an angle barley out jaunted by Fred Astair, Jaz Delorean’s Tankus the Henge are an impeccably suited London 5 piece. Consummate live performers if not consummate record sellers, Tankus’ ball bashing form of rhythmic piano driven jazz drew crowds across their heavily festivaled schedule.


Although inevitably slightly out of view of the main stage, being Voted as one of the Top Ten acts of Glastonbury 2011 highlights the glee and loyalty their self dubbed Apocalyptic Carnival Rock ‘n’ Roll conjures in would be passers by. With a constantly shifting line up and increasingly few dates left on the calendar, now is prime time to see this unique slice of impeccable art house fun.




Alongside Tankus are New York Brass Band who, in their own words, are North Yorkshire’s “only contemporary New Orleans inspired Brass Band.” Gifted with silver tongues and self knowing glibness, the members of the “inky brass revolution” hail from “the mean streets of York’ and churn through warped covers with a line-up of percussion, sax, trumpets and sousaphone. Brassifying songs from as far afield as breaks and 80s ska, New York Brass Band are unabashed and recommended fun.