Summer College Netball preview 2014

This summer marks the start of a brand new college event. College Netball has had an incredibly successful season and the decision has been made by the college sports committee to begin a new college cup. Games commence Sunday week 3 with the semi finals and final being played by the top teams in each group in Week 8.

An exciting element to the netball college cup is the entry of two university teams. Uni 1’s will be made up of freshers and Uni 2’s of second and third years. After a season where the standard of college netball has really improved this will be a great test for the girls to go up against a mixture of the university sides who themselves have had an impressive season. Alcuin 1st s captain Rheanna Plowman is particularly looking forward to this aspect of the college cup saying “Alcuin has got some great players and we’re going out to have some fun and look forward to having the opportunity to take on the university sides”.

After impressive seasons watch out for Halifax, James and Goodricke. Halifax and James stormed the spring leagues and earned their places in College Varsity after an impressive play off final which was only own by one goal in the end. Halifax 1st s includes defender Lottie Hyett whom has played outstandingly all season and with captain Sarah Moody seeing that her “team has really gelled together after two promising terms of netball” expect them to come top of Group A with Derwent 1st s following close behind.

Goodricke, who after winning the winter league dropped to 4th in the spring league will be looking to reassert their dominance in College Netball with Captain Kav Aggarwal saying “Goodricke feel like they have a point to prove so will be going out all guns blazing!”. Also placed in Group B along with Goodricke is James 1s, a game that shall be one to watch out for especially with the the formidable shooting duo of James 1’s which includes Samantha Hall and Alison Pullan. Don’t discount Alcuin 1’s who will be looking to cause an upset after a consistent season. All the girls are looking forward to the start of this new college cup and with some exciting matches upcoming it will be interesting to see how the cup pans out.