“Serious fire” at the Boulevard

IMG_0323Over 100 students were evacuated from their accommodation at the Boulevard on Lawrence Street after a “serious fire” broke out at roughly 9:25pm this evening.

A total of six emergency vehicles arrived at the scene five minutes after the blaze in the fourth floor of A Block occurred.

Nobody was injured in the incident, whilst the cause of the fire is currently unknown and under investigation.

Station manager David Watson from North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service, said: “Fire crews knew they were fighting a serious fire on arriving.”

The incident started in one of the single-person bedsits, causing 100% smoke damage and 10% fire damage to the room as well as smoke damage to the corridor. As a result the 25 students living on that floor have been moved to Franklin House for the night, due to safety precautions.

In total 122 Goodricke students were forced to vacate their rooms for over three hours, and many expressed their concern and shock at the event.

Computer Science student James Massey, who lives on one of the lower floors of A Block said: “The whole event was upsetting and a little bit traumatic, and an experience I hope never happens again.”

IMG_0326Fellow A Block Resident Danielle Barlow felt traumatised by the event, and added: “It was horrible and you could see all the firefighters arriving. It was scary as we didn’t have a clue what was going on. I won’t sleep tonight.”

The emergency services have been praised for their swift reactions in tackling the blaze, and YUSU Welfare Officer George Offer told Vision: “We’re pleased there was such a speedy response from the emergency services and hopefully there’s not too much damage.”

Such sentiments were reiterated by Goodricke Chair Dean Hickey, who added: “We’re really encouraged by the swift action of the emergency services. The professionals’ response has been really great and we’d like to thank them.”

Tonight’s event comes after a significant number of first-year students were forced to live off campus due to a shortage of accommodation on campus, with a number of Langwith students also living in leased houses around the city.

Student Support Services are ready to offer support, and students can contact them direct through the Student Support Hub at Market Square, via student-support@york.ac.uk, or by phone on (01904-32)4140.