Robyn Haycock

RobynHaycockPICName: Robyn Haycock

College: Vanbrugh

Year: 3

Subject: Environmental Geography

Campaign in three words: Positive, Communication, Improvements

What’s the most important part of your manifesto?

Open information communication as it is about sharing what is already available for students and what students want from the available resources (library, careers, alumni, etc.) to get the best of what York has to offer and to improve the resources needed for studying in an easily accessible place. Plus it underpins my other policies.

How do you differ from the other candidates?

I want to focus on the positive aspects of York to make realistic and achievable improvements across the university rather than always asking for more.

What was your favourite thing the previous officer did and why?

I was made aware that I could make student room bookings to study in places other than the library, which helped me to focus on work. However, the page for room bookings is still hard to find and not widely known about.

What’s the most important thing about the role you are going for?

As with all sabbatical positions communication with students and university staff to find a balance between everyone’s wants/needs is the most important thing to do.

How are you campaigning?

I will be doing the usual things of covering campus in posters; social media (#VoteRobynAcademic); lecture hopping, and talking to students across university properties. Basically being as loud and visible as possible and trying to reach as many students as possible.

What do you like the most about York?

The great friends I have made that I can share a drink, cake and problems with and who motivate me to get my work done so we can have fun nights out.

What’s the best slogan you can think of for your campaign?

Robyn red breast will bring you the best

What do you think about York Vision?

It is a decent newspaper and even better for being free and having York related stories.