Here is my version of the classic mince pie, with extra fruity mincemeat and a clementine and cinnamon pastry. Just the thing to get into a festive mood!
250g plain flour, 50g icing sugar, zest of ½ clementine, 125g butter, cut into cubes 1 egg, splash of water, 250g mincemeat, zest of ½ clementine, 1 small apple, grated, then patted with kitchen towel to get rid of most of the liquid, 50g raisins, 30g candied peel, chopped, 7.5cm fluted round cutter, Small christmas cutters, shallow 12 holed tin
Pre-heat your oven to 180°C
For the pastry, put the flour, sugar, zest and butter into a food processor and whizz until it is the texture of fine bread crumbs.
Add the egg and pulse a couple of times. Add a splash of water and pulse until the mixture comes together as a dough, but do not overwork it.
Take it out, and pat into a round, then cover in clingfilm and put in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, make your mincemeat. Put the mincemeat into a bowl, and add the apple, raisins, peel, and zest, and mix together well.
When your pastry has chilled, roll it out thinly, and cut 12 circles out.
Gently place these in the tin, then spoon some mincemeat in. Cut out shapes with your Christmas cutters and place on top.
Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the pastry is golden and the mincemeat is bubbling.
Take them out of the tin and place on a cooling rack while you make 12 more with the rest of the pastry and mincemeat.