Flippin’ Brilliant

My favourite bakingpancakes day of the year is upon us! Traditionally a day to mark the beginning of Lent, it has become a celebration that requires one to skip dinner in order to eat as many of the heavenly treats as is humanly possible. My chosen topping, as a civilised person, is of course lemon juice and sugar (make sure the sugar is only just dissolved – an overly sugary pancake will RUIN the day’s celebrations). In the interests of fairness, I will admit that there are other toppings that can be successful; these include chocolate spread, golden syrup and banana slices in toffee sauce. Fact: if you have jam on your pancakes, people WILL judge you. Harshly.



Basic Pancake Recipe

(I find that this recipe makes around 12 medium-sized pancakes)


  • 110g plain flour
  • 2 large eggs
  • 200ml milk mixed with 75ml water
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter/margarine
  • Pinch salt
  • Extra butter/margarine for cooking the pancakes
  •  Large bowl
  • Sieve
  • Whisk
  • Frying pan
  • Spatula


1) Sieve the flour and salt into a large bowl. Make a well in the centre and break the eggs into the well.

2) Begin to whisk the eggs, gradually incorporating the flour mixture as you whisk.

3) Start to add small quantities of the milk and water mixture as you whisk. The lumps should eventually disappear – if they don’t, keep whisking!

4) When your mixture is lump-free and you are ready to start cooking, add the melted butter to the batter and stir well.

5) Add a small amount of butter to the frying pan and turn on the heat. Swirl the fat around so the base is covered. Tip any excess into a bowl, which you can use for cooking subsequent pancakes.

6) Add 2 tablespoons of the batter to the pan and cook for about 2 minutes on each side. Use a spatula to check whether the pancake is cooked – if you’re confident, try flipping!

*FUN FACT: the first pancake you cook will always, without fail, be rubbish. Accept this before you begin cooking and the failed, battery, first-pancake mess won’t upset you too much.

7) Serve with your chosen toppings!