Exam Relief

Bradley Copper’s Super study smoothies :

It goes without saying that a good diet can go a long way when it comes to exam season. It’s equally important that you get as much time as possible to revise though, Luckily, smoothies solve both these problems, being both quick and easy to prepare whilst providing you with all those essential vitamins and God-knows-what-else that your mum keeps pestering you about. Here are some college-inspired recipes you might indulge in over the revision period:

The Alcuin: An Alcuin-red concoction of bananas, raspberries, and strawberries, this smoothie is enticingly simple.
The Derwent: Mix together bananas and blueberries for an unusually delicious and filling vitamin-packed burst.
The Goodricke: Apple and kiwi make for a mixture of two fruits both rich in Vitamins C and K to make sure you don’t fall victim to illness over those big exams.
The Halifax: Blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries; your standard berry affair, add whatever else you can find for an easily-customisable beverage.
The James: If you don’t mind splashing out, buy some coconuts and a few passion fruits; if this isn’t to your taste, though, make it sweeter with a mango or an orange or two.
The Langwith: Mango, oranges, and pineapple; your classic tropical smoothie affair with which you can’t go wrong, absolutely crowded with Vitamin C.
The Vanbrugh: The perfect summer smoothie: cherries, cranberries,and raspberries make for a fantastically quick revision boost.

Rach Jackson  provides some pre exam beauty tips:

The end of third term exam period has to be one of the most dreaded times of the year. As effort towards revision, essays and presentations heightens, effort towards hair and beauty tends to lack…quite drastically. From experience study drives me into one place and one place only: homeless chic central. My hair becomes messy and thrown into a lopsided bun as soon as I wake up, makeup becomes nonexistent and my style…well, what style?? It’s very easy to tell when exams and revision is in full flow on campus when most girls walk around like they just got out of bed, donning leggings, Ugg boots and their boyfriend’s hoodies begging for summer to arrive. But not all is lost for us girls, there are ways to keep looking like you’ve put effort into your look without having to spend hours in front of the mirror!
Firstly, when it comes to make-up, not all is lost. Instead of rifling through your makeup bag for every product you need ranging from primer to eye lash extensions there are products out there that bring a half an hour process into a five minute on the go routine.
By partnering Maxfactors 3-in-1 primer, concealer and foundation with L’Oreal’s False Lash Architect mascara together, the skin complexion looks brighter and healthier next to lusciously long lashes without the effort!
With just a dab of blusher and a quick flick of liquid eye liner you can study without the fear of looking like Shrek’s long lost relative! In order for the rest of campus to not think you’ve just rolled out of bed (even if you have!) it’s time to control the lion’s mane without the use of straighteners, curlers, wands or rollers…just a good old hairbrush and maybe a little hair spray!
For an easy updo look why not try a loose side bun. By letting your hair part itself naturally and teasing the crown, grab your hair into a ball at the side of your head and tie it twice. Pin any strays back and then pull at the roots to create volume (let your fringe or any shorter side pieces fall down to frame your face). If you’re wanting a fast way to control your hair without putting it up, try using bobby pins to maintain your hair during the day. By taking the first layer of your hair on both sides of your parting and teasing them underneath (or plaiting/twirling for a neater style) pin your hair at the crown of your head; giving your hair a little volume and dynamic without the effort. Running over the rest of your hair with a straightener (if desired) can neaten your hair and enhance the “I promise I didn’t just wake up” look.
Let’s face it, exam season isn’t fun for anyone; but with a 5 minute gap you can make sure you have your head buried in a book in the library looking a little more elegant. I mean, let’s face it, with Spotted making every trip to the library more traumatic than ever before… none of us want to be noticed for the wrong reasons now, do we?

Rachael Thompson’s 7 days of pick me ups:

Beat those revisions and exam week woes, with these obscure mood lifters. There is one for each day of the week and feel the weight of impending tests get just that tad lighter…
1. Listen to your favourite song very loudly.
2. Dance, alone!
3. Wear your favourite fancy outfit to a mundane event
4. Try a daring new food (WARNING avoid anything that could lead to food poisoning)
5. Do something that scares you just to prove that you can
6. Wear a novelty winter garment
7. Tell people that you love them
And if all else fails, get on the first bus that arrives to an unknown destination.
We should all concentrate on what is inspiring in the world, for me these positive messages are all that get me through the rather ambitious revision timetable I made (as of Monday). If you are lacking some inspiration and find yourself joining Facebook rants, online university arguments or commenting willy nilly on student articles then I’d advise you checked out ‘WTF fun fact’. Not only are the images rather funny at times, they provide a serious motivational boost. Who doesn’t want to see a kid dressed up as a superhero telling you that any dream is possible? Alternatively, try out this challenge of how to maintain a high level of insanity (Clearly I am a sucker for revision procrastination that says it is improving your mental well being). Get away from your computer desk, stop typing the irate comment and embrace a moderate and fun level of insanity:-
“Order a diet water at a restaurant and maintain a straight face”
“When the money comes out of the ATM scream ‘I won! I won!’”
“In a chemist, go up to the till with a packet of condoms and ask where the fitting rooms are.”
As you walk into the exam hall; wearing your favourite outfit, novelty sweater, singing loudly and eating hedgehog, just remember that everyone is just as terrified as you if that doesn’t calm you down, imagine them all in their underwear!


2 thoughts on “Exam Relief

  1. The thought of my upcoming exam is incredibly softened by this article.
    The real factor causing my stress has been, as you said ‘walking around like I just got out of bed’.
    Thank you for these beauty tips.
    You’ve stopped my imminent breakdown.

  2. I honestly have never read anything which has made me feel more stressed out than this article in particular the “obscure mood lifters”. Possibly some originality wouldn’t go amiss?

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