Dave Washington

DaveWashingtonPICName: Dave Washington

College: Alcuin College

Year: 3

Subject: History

Campaign in three words: Passion, Policies, Experience.

What’s the most important part of your manifesto?

That’s a hard one when you have a 36 page manifesto. My primary aim is to bolster participation rates in all areas of sport, and my policies revolve around achieving that by improving the communication, integration and financial position of the York Sport Union, and I’d say that my main policies are the creation of a new York Sport Union website and the expansion and development of the Get into Sport programme.

How do you differ from the other candidates?

I know everyone is passionate about their roles, but this quite simply means the world to me, and I have the drive and determination to set me apart from others. In addition I see myself as an excellent communicator, and that is one of the areas where the York Sport Union and YUSU struggles most, and I am confident that I’m the best person to solve that problem.

What was your favourite thing the previous officer did and why?

From a personal point of view I have to say that it was the decision to give the go ahead to College Varsity, and I have loved every minute of organising College Varsity Qualifiers and preparing for the actual event. It’s been great to be able to showcase College Sport, and on a personal level allow me to delve my passion into a long-term project. A mention for the Key Contacts Scheme as well, which will hopefully develop further over future years, and would be something I would look to push forward.

What’s the most important thing about the role you are going for?

York Sport President is a figurehead for sport at York, and therefore needs a range of different skills, which I believe that I possess. You have to be a role model, and someone who is completely dedicated to what they do, exactly what I have done this year with College Sport. Communication though is the area which I always say is neglected and which we fall down on, and in that respect I’m the person to make a difference, and improve that aspect of the role.

How are you campaigning?

As well as the standard postering I shall be visiting sports clubs, lectures and all of the colleges over the campaigning period, whilst I shall be out and about every day where possible talking to people and showing them my passion and policies. Online campaigning will also be a big part of it, and I recommend that you like my Facebook page ‘Vote Dave for York Sport President’, keep an eye out for #VoteDave and take a look at my full 36 page manifesto, from Monday Week 7.

What do you like the most about York?

I picked York because it’s such a beautiful city, and I’ve had three fantastic years here, mainly because of the brilliant people that I’ve met, and it is those people who make and shape your experiences, and make York such a special place to be.

What’s the best slogan you can think of for your campaign?

In truth I want my policies, passion and campaigning to take centre stage, and I’d rather be remembered for having an exceptional 36 page manifesto full of excellent ideas rather than a slogan. I understand though that it is something important, and although I’m currently basing it around the simple Vote Dave for York Sport President and Dave for Black and Gold, I’ll be trying to come up with something innovative and catchy over the next week. Passion, Policies and Experience are important buzzwords.

What do you think about York Vision?

As someone who has dedicated two years to Vision, I’m unsurprisingly going to say rather flattering things, but instead I’d prefer to talk about student media in more general terms. With Vision, Nouse, URY and YSTV we have exceptional media outlets, which in sporting terms are under-utilised, and as part of my policies of integration, I want to work much more closely with all of the media societies, to not only benefit them, but also to help all of York’s sports clubs by providing more detailed, varied and comprehensive coverage of sport on campus.