Have you ever been turned away from a potential job, with little explanation?
An undergraduate was left shocked yesterday when he found out he didn’t get a voluntary role as STYC – in an email sent out to ALL applicants.
Bungling college officer, Mike Britland, accidentally released a STYC list to all applicants with a special category of ‘NOT STYC’.
The blunder saw James College bosses submit only his name under the category.
Embarrassed Cole posted on Facebook: “So apparently out of everyone who applied to be a STYC in James College, I’m the ONLY one who is deemed unfit for the job, despite being the most recognizable, and easily found person (anywhere and especially in clubs) for freshers.”
The reject was light-hearted and added: “Cheers Mike for giving me my own category. Not the best way to find out my application had been declined haha”.
College Officer Britland admitted to Vision: “It was entirely my mistake” and told Vision: “I sent out an old version of the STYC list. I immediately apologised to Max, who was very understanding, and I’m pleased to say has agreed to be a STYC.
He added: “These things happen.”
Vice-Chair for Welfare Chair Christina Stolin told Vision there was no harm done and said: “It was an honest mistake, and Max has been very understanding.”
So basically Mike didn’t realise what a bloody stupid idea that email was until people got upset about it, at which point he made James a STYC to save face.