

Photo: Jack Western

Speculations on campus concerning the apparent disappearance of fondly nicknamed ‘Campus Horse’, which was previously tethered on the grassy area opposite Wentworth roundabout, have increased.

The mysterious disappearance comes in light of reports on the delay of a proposed new protocol by York Councillors to deal with the problem of tethered horses on roadside verges in the area. Recent RSPCA figures also show that fears of horse welfare are reported 18 times a week on average in the region.

When asked about the welfare of ‘Campus Horse’ last year, a spokesman for the University told Vision: “We have asked the owner to move the horse tethered on the grassed area next to University Road to a more suitable location,” which appears to have taken a year to happen.

The RSPCA do not recommend the tethering of horses for long periods of time. One second year Philosophy student commented: “Who is this imposter? And how long this one will it be tethered on the roadside?”

When contacted, Tesco denied any knowledge of the whereabouts of ‘Campus Horse’.

7 thoughts on “Wan-neigh-be?

  1. Thinking about it, the cheeseburger I had earlier today was fairly tasty. Just sayin’.

  2. Sorry Wallace, the comic geniuses at Vision got in there first with that last line. I’m not sure if I’d prefer for them to have actually asked tesco for comment, or if it would be better that they just madem that bit up. On the one hand, I’m all in favour of journalistic integrity and publishing the truth. On the other hand, what an inane waste of time in the name of a stupid joke.

  3. ‘stupid joke’!?

    Campus Horse is much beloved by all that pass him by.

  4. Stop press: campus horse (cream coloured, carty-looking) spotted today, grazing near Garrow HIll houses. Phew.

    Of course there are, and always have been, several ‘campus horses. If one goes on its holidays for a day or so, another will take its place.

  5. His name is not campus horse. His name is Bernie. His owner calls him Bernie. His owner used to visit him twice a day to given him fresh water and food and move him to a new patch.

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