Cameron doesn’t give a toss about Porn.

It seems that David Cam-wrong has now decided to take a strong stance on pornography. I for one am quite surprised, it seems that the leader of the Conservative party actually wants to do something conservative. I suppose when you keep supporting policies such as gay marriage and the less successful Lords reform bill – which are both completely out of line with the conservative party at grassroots level – you have to every now and again select an issue that will go down well with traditional conservative voters.

Unfortunately if this is supposed to be some sort of ‘moral crusade’, ridding every home of the dark misguided filth that inhabits their computers it is to say the least pretty pathetic. Essentially what Cameron wishes to do is to ensure that a filter that was already there but was not turned on by default – is turned on by default, wow.

And this is a policy he believes all conservatives will be able to get behind? By this logic it seems Cameron’s idea of protecting people from having their houses burgled is to go round and lock all their doors personally. Does he think voters are stupid? It really is beyond me who this policy is for – people who wish to restricted porn access in their homes already have the capability to do so, everyone who still wants to watch it will still be able too, and liberals and conservatives alike are probably confused as to what exactly the PM is doing. Does the Prime Ministers moral polymorphing not leave everyone slightly bemused?

I may not agree with the morality behind this policy but if I did then I would not see it as adequate at all. If the PM wishes to take a moral stance then he should take it, but taking a moral stance like this could seriously lose votes outside of the parties core base, so better instead to pretend to do something conservative while at the same time being completely liberal minded. Cameron wishes to grab conservative votes with one hand and liberal votes with the other. He wishes to be all things to all men, quite simply because he wishes to be re-elected.

So this is where we have come to in British politics, the PM’s take a phony moral stance to try and please everyone because to him that is all that matters – being elected. They do not have any convictions or morals they just wish to lead for the stake of leading and to gain power – that is their only purpose.

Cameron has about as much interest in porn as he does in gay rights or poverty -absolutely none. This is a professional politician playing politics because he hopes to retain his job. And in a country at where more than enough people are unemployed at the moment I can only hope after the 2015 election there is one more to add to the figures.

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