Beth’s Uni-ssentials: Beanbag, Sharpies and Snowboots


No one likes sitting on hard floor, and not everyone likes sharing their bed so whether you’re having a girlie heart-to-heart or a manly FIFA tournament, a beanbag will save your mates behind. My beanbag was a late addition to my student abode (I bought in January), but a worthwhile one. The fluffy purple ‘thing’ also doubled as a room ‘decoration’ and frequently a pillow or full on bed for visiting ‘home friends’. A decent size one from Dunelm comes in at less than £20 and is easily shoved under the bed when you’re not using it if your digs are a little on the cosy side.




I’m not, I repeat NOT suggesting you bring sharpies to university to label your food. Don’t be that person! No one likes them and if you eventually decide to steal another’s ketchup you’ll never hear the end of it (unless of course you’re the mysterious ERASMUS exchange student, codename:Zurg, who only comes out in the dead of night, in which case it’s a charming quirk.) Sharpies, however, have many alternative uses – simple pen replacement, shoe polish, emergency eyeliner…the list goes on. Personally, my sharpie was best put to use as an alternative to fancy dress. So what you didn’t bring any animal print or school ties to uni, draw it onto a blank t-shirt and you’re good to go.



Yes, us southerners are forced to put up with the harsh realities of the cold, wet North in the Autumn Term, however those grey clouds have a silver lining – SNOW! The Alcuin vs The World snowfight in my first term will remain one of my favourite fresher memories, I only wish I’d been better prepared. Campus in general can get quite icy too, don’t be me, don’t be a bruised wreck slipping about in flipflops to the porter’s lodge – bring Wellies or Snowboots like my wiser fresher friends.