Anand Goyal (RAG Officer)

AnandGoyolPICName: Anand Goyal

College: Halifax College

Year: 1

Subject: Astrophysics

Campaign in three words: Raise and Blaze

What’s the most important part of your manifesto?

The most important part would be trying to get more people involved with RAG. This can be achieved by creating a wider range of events that people can take part in, which will in turn raise more money.

How do you differ from the other candidates?

Probably the vast past experience I have working with charities in the past. Also, I am ethnic.

What was your favourite thing the previous officer did and why?

I thought the library book fines going towards RAG was quite an inspired idea. But maybe this is regular, I don’t honestly know being a first year. But I liked the idea nonetheless.

What’s the most important thing about the role you are going for?

I would say experience working with charities and organising fundraising events. Which I have had years of experience of, working in our own family run foundation, HGF (Hemraj Goyal Foundation).

How are you campaigning?

The usual techniques, posters, running around campus a lot and potentially (certainly) looking like an idiot.

What do you like the most about York?

My northern friends say it’s like the south up north. Which I would mostly agree with; but I once got asked if I wanted ‘scraps’ on my chips. Needless to say I didn’t have a clue what they were on about.

What’s the best slogan you can think of for your campaign?

Vote Anand. Honestly, that’s all I’ve got.

What do you think about York Vision?

If I’m honest, I never really pick up the paper issues of York Vision, I tend to read it online. However, I find it slightly ‘Daily Mail’ at times.