A year at York – In Pictures

As a Fresher you’ve got a lot to look forward to throughout your first year at the University of York. From huge YUSU-organised events to sports tournaments against rival universities, there are a number of annual highlights on campus. For a taste of what is to come look through a selection of last year’s high points displayed in the photo gallery below.

Click on the ‘i‘ icon in the top left-hand corner of the slideshow for more information about the photo you’re looking at.

[visiongallery set=72157630951958874]

Photos: Oliver Todd, Vivan Jayant, Kathy Burke, Tom Wooldridge.

3 thoughts on “A year at York – In Pictures

  1. Not being funny but has anyone checked the York Interactive Careers website lately? That’s assuming that anyone actually knows it exists. The vacancies available are ridiculously bad. No wonder why employability at York is so bad.

    These photos are just propaganda. Clearly after the recent number of complaints the uni is attempting to adjust its poor image. Sorry Brian Cantor and co, you are not deceiving anyone.

  2. I somehow doubt Vision are peddling propaganda on behalf of the University… LOL.

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