20 Questions with Erland and the Carnival

1: Can you describe your band in 5 words?
Erland, Simon, David, Bruce, Danny

2: Who are your heroes?
I always liked Isambard Kingdom Brunel… who, apart from having an awesome name and being born on the same day as me used to lead from the front. He designed this swinging wicker basket contraption that he hung over the gorge in Bristol when he was building the suspension bridge. It carried one man and was used to carry the cables from one side to the other. Instead of sitting in a comfy office, scribbling down his idea and getting someone to test it out, he was the first person to jump in this little basket and pull him self out over the gorge… there was a complication of course and the ropes got knotted and he almost fell to his death. He persevered and fixed it but I like the fact that he had an idea and saw it through to its conclusion.

3: What is your most treasured possession?
My fathers guitar.

4: What are you most proud of?
Our Album, definitely.

5: Do you have any pre-performance routines?
Dinner, always, followed by frantic walking back and forth backstage.

6: What are your most unappealing habits?
I am partial to a good olfactory rummage.

7: Do you enjoy a bit of air-guitar?
Never been partial myself.

8: Who would you play in a movie of your lives?

9: What is your opinion of Spotify?
Great for research and keeping abreast of what’s going on out there but I fear
that it isn’t a process of listening by which value is added through your
engagement. It makes it too easy but I do like that technology allows us to
stream like this. This is the future!

10: Lady GaGa: man or woman?
animal, mineral or vegetable?

11: What’s your favourite album of all time?
Totally mood dependent but I do know that Nevermind will never be out of my
stack of cd’s.

12: When are/were you happiest?
Belting the hell out of some drums on a stage still makes me smile from ear to

13: What are you scared of?

14: Who would you least like to be stuck in a lift with?
Judith Chalmers

15: What is your favourite food?

16: What’s the last film you watched?
Une Prophet…….intriguing

17: And the last album you listened to?
Just checked out beach house.

18: What really annoys you?
People that stop dead on a busy high street to gawp at window displays.

19: Hendrix or Clapton?

20: Vision or Nouse?