Ten essentials to keep in your kitchen

Think you have everything you need for your kitchen this September? Think again. These are your ten essentials to bring to university.

Washing up liquid

Obvious one but it runs out at the speed of light. Hide a secret stash.


For when you run out of mixers. Vodka and squash is underrated.

Spare alcohol

Get it cheap from Aldi or somewhere, I wasted so much in Costcutter in first year. Stash it away from housemates though.


For when you’re too hungover to keep down solids.

Powdered parmesan

You will definitely run out of cheese for your pasta.


You will make too much food for yourself a lot and you’ll feel amazing the next day at lunch when you have delicious food in the fridge. Tupperware always gets lost too, you can literally never have enough!

Spare tea towels

My housemate used mine to mop up vomit once and I never wanted to use it again. Also make sure you wash your tea towels, there is no point washing up if you’re going to coat it in salmonella again later!

Dried fruit

Good for snacking, also I am worried about you guys, in my first year a fellow fresher got scurvy and that is not a good look, even if you’re dressing as a ‘sexy pirate’ for a social!

Pasta sauce

You will not cook for yourself from scratch as you told your mum you would every night. Sometimes you’ll forget to do a food shop and then you’ll thank me when you don’t have to eat plain pasta!

Extra glasses and cutlery

Everyone I know has lost or smashed about half their glassware, cutlery and crockery from first year. I began the year with twelve sets of knives and forks (I got it cheap from IKEA!) and now I only have three sets. Imagine if I’d only brought nine sets to uni, I would be eating with my hands right now! Nightmare!

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