York Outer Turns Blue

Despite reports of missing postal ballots, Conservative Julian Sturdy last Thursday became the local MP for York Outer, the constituency the university belongs to.

After the temporary closure of the Leeman Road sorting office following a chemical scare, hundreds of voters who applied for postal ballots did not receive them in time to cast their vote. A printing problem has also been linked to the blunder.

It has been reported that the mistake could potentially open the results up to legal challenges. The York returning officer, however, has since stated that as some 80% of the issued ballots were returned, “suggests that the postal ballots have reached those who applied for them”.

As 17,000 postal ballots were issued, the difference of 3,688 votes between Sturdy and runner up, Liberal Democrat Madeleine Kirk, could not have been closed by the missing ballots.

Craig Martin, York Liberal Democrat Chair stated that “We’re upset that the forms went missing. There was an 80% rate of returns which the returning officer says is a healthy amount. We all agree it was an accident and fully support the council’s decision on these matters”.

“Not all of the postal votes went missing. We don’t think it’s a significant amount,” said York Tories Chair Felix Bungay.

The new Tory MP has identified his three main issues as the protection of the Green Belt, dealing with challenges in local infrastructure and meeting concerns facing the NHS.

In as interview with Vision earlier this year, Sturdy also stated that he “cares about the student body” and that “politicians must be careful about legislation that might damage the accessibility of university to young people today.” Additionally, he branded the new restrictions on student housing a “delicate issue”.

“Obviously I am very happy that Julian won in York Outer. We thought it would be much closer given the polls reporting a surge in the levels of Lib Dem support, but in the end this failed to materialise,” says Bungay.
“Julian will be a great local MP and I’m sure he’ll be a strong voice for students and the local people of York Outer.”

Ex-YUSU president and Labour candidate James Alexander finished third in York Outer with 9,108 votes, while UKIP’s Judith Morris and BNP’s Cathy Smurthwaithe received 1,100 and 956 votes respectively.

Labour Club Chair Cat Wayland commented that “we’re delighted that we won York Central. Outer was always going to be a difficult seat but we’re proud of James’s campaign. He did a magnificent job.”