Predicting 2010

2010As the ‘Noughties’ (did that ever really catch on?) drew to a close we found ourselves awash with reviews of 2009. Montages of the Beijing Olympics, the MP Expense Scandal and Susan Boyle’s startling revelation that non-conventionally attractive people could possess talent were set to ‘How to Save a Life’ by The Fray, and we looked on in quiet nostalgia. But more interesting, surely, is what the next 365 days have in store for us. And so here is the review we may be writing, the events we may be astutely summing up, this time next year. Feel free to imagine a gently inspiring power ballad as you read. Something by Coldplay…

Two thousand and ten; what a year. England saw itself divided over the General Election and united for the World Cup. Of course the football results need no repeating, but the subsequent break-in at the trophy room at Wembley, where thieves stole everything of value, and the following police warning to the public to be suspicious of anyone selling a large red and white carpet were painful reminder enough.

The election, on the other hand, was overshadowed by that big MP scandal. But it worked out alright in the end because a comedian said something rude to a National Hero and we all forgot about it.

Rumour had it that the world would end at midday on April 9th, and sceptics the world over decried such hysteria whilst secretly holding their breath as the time ticked over. Luckily their existence continued, and the rumour was traced back to a misinterpreted Twitter from Stephen Fry.

On the theme of Social networking, Facebook finally sold out (literally) and the super-corporation that bought it forced its users to pay for access. Shame, I remember when Facebook was used for the greater good, like commemorating dead minor celebrities and ‘sticking it’ to Simon Cowell.

To the reality television results of the year; the attractive one won ‘The X Factor’, the unattractive one won ‘Britain’s Got Talent’, the educationally subnormal one won ‘Big Brother”, and the one, you know, from that TV show, years ago, with the bloke…anyway, they won ‘I’m A Celebrity’.

2010; a truly unpredictable year?