Ducking out

Identity card for both students and staff at the University are set for a revamp this year, with the much-criticised ‘duck card’ being replaced with a more professional-looking design.

In November 2010, students voted to change the cards in a YUSU UGM motion proposed by Clare Walker. At the time, Walker claimed: “There is no point in having the current university student card at the moment.”
It was suggested that having a duck on the front of the card made it look fake, and hence ran the risk of having the card being declared unacceptable as identification.

However, the cards were also criticised for not having an expiry date. The expiry date was removed from the cards in one of the last drafts, to cater for those students who repeat, change degrees or take a leave of absence.

In the past, the lack of expiry date meant that the previous card was not accepted by many retailers, particularly those outside of York.

While this has not been rectified, the University have defended the decision by stating that “The University Card is not intended to be a discount card.”

All new students have been issued with the cards upon arrival at the University, whilst existing students will have their cards replaced between November and December.

Despite the University asking YUSU for their opinions on the card, it has been met with some negative feeling from students. Second-year History of Art student Flora Juster said of the card: “I think it looks better than the older ones, but it’s annoying there isn’t an expiry date as a lot of shops away from uni won’t accept them.”

However, another second year, Ama Samra, described the new cards as looking “bland without the colourful ducks.”