V-Bar refurb plans canned by Uni

Refurbishment plans for Vanbrugh College’s V-Bar have been cancelled after the university were unable to fund the project.

The refurbishment of the college bar was high on the 2011 Vanbrugh JCRC’s agenda, and was described by Chair Kallum Taylor as a change that “isn’t just wanted – it is needed”. However, the campaign has ultimately failed after the amount needed, £135,753 plus VAT, was “not in the university’s capital budget for the 2011/12 financial year,” according to Rena Quarton, Commercial Services’ Business Development Manager.

Despite being one of the most popular campus bars, the general consensus amongst the college has been that change is needed, with the plans focused upon creating a ‘modern pub-feel’. The refurbishment proposals had included plans for a lit outside entrance, resurfacing of all chairs and built-in seating as well as the flooring, an extension of the bars seating style and repainting of the walls of the bar.

In June, Quarton and Director of Commercial Services Jon Greenwood visited V-Bar with a designer to discuss possible changes. However, due to the high costs of the project it now appears these plans have been canned for at least one more year.

The planned changes had attracted a following of 220 members in a Facebook group titled “What would YOU do to improve V-Bar?” This summer’s work on the Heslington West campus includes the revamping of the YUSU Student Centre at a cost of £2million, forcing the closure of James College bar McQs. Although an alternative bar in the Roger Kirk Centre had been proposed, 360 students joined a Facebook page, similar to the Vanbrugh group, in an attempt to defend the bar, ultimately unsuccessfully.

Taylor described the decision not to get the immediate go-ahead for refurbishment to be “a bit of a blow”. He remains positive however, telling Vision: “Management have had their eyes opened about the needs of V-Bar, according to the students who want to use it. There’ll be another opportunity to push this once again when the Uni budgets for next year, and with much of the consultation already done, I would encourage the future Vanbrugh JCRC and all of their students to seal the deal.”

YUSU President Tim Ellis said: “Last term, Vanbrugh had been working closely with the University to look into a refurbishment of V-Bar. Unfortunately, after completing all the design work it transpired that the University couldn’t afford it in their capital budget”, describing the decision as “obviously very disappointing”. Last year saw Derwent bar completely refurbished while the development plans for the Roger Kirk Centre this summer are ongoing.

Director of Commercial Services Jon Greenwood claims that “[The University’s] capital program was signed off well before Commercial Services decided to get some design idea boards for Vanbrugh bar worked up,” although he described the plans for a refurbishment as being “next on our agenda”.

5 thoughts on “V-Bar refurb plans canned by Uni

  1. It’s upsetting to see care and attention going to so many different parts of the university, but not to V-Bar. It’s one of the most popular bars on campus, and this years JCR have put a ridiculous amount of effort into this. I’m optimistic for the future though.

    The future’s bright – the future’s purple.

  2. Thanks for pointing this out ‘Accurate’, it has now been corrected.

  3. I think I may have just beaten you to that one. Thank you for your correction regardless, apologies.

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