Campus to undergo to summer face lift

Accommodation at the Heslington West campus is set to undergo a number of refurbishments over the summer months, as it seems not all eyes are looking East just yet.

With more than 1,000 study bedrooms to be done up on campus, as the start of a five-year programme to upgrade 2,500 student rooms on the main campus, it is hoped that University administration will have far fewer complaints regarding the standard of accommodation to deal with in the coming academic year.

The main focus of the work this summer is the refurbishment of accommodation at Halifax College, but the most notable works are being undertaken in the older Derwent accommodation blocks, a number of which are being completely refurbished, including new communal facilities.

This includes revamped kitchens, and, where deemed necessary, the number of shower rooms is being increased. A number of rooms in Vanbrugh are also seeing carpets and furniture being replaced.
Derwent provost Rob Aitken described the improvements as “the first stage of the refurbishment of all the older accommodation blocks.”

One Derwent B Block resident told Vision: “I’m surprised that it’s taken this long to sort out Derwent’s accommodation. Last term I had the vermin control team investigating mice in my room and that’s only one of the issues! Hopefully next year’s residents will have a better experience.”