Epic time-wasting took place last week when a YUSU Council meeting spent an hour and a half bickering over nightclub VIP cards.
The squabble of who should get Tru/Gallery ‘Gold Cards’ even went into closed session and requests for secret ballots.
The council unsuprisingly decided to award themselves with the cards, rather than give them to sub committees, including the York Sports Committee. This is despite them getting cards in previous years.
One anonymous council member told Vision: “most people who voted against the committees having the cards all held personal grudges.”
YUSU’s Lewis Bretts has now been given the job of finding a fair way to distribute 32 unallocated cards, and will present his new proposal at next week`s meeting – wasting even more council time.
With more pressing issues on their plates, “non-VIP” students might be wondering whether the council has anything more important to debate.